Two Rivers Boys Swim and Dive Booster Club
Parent volunteers make the booster club possible.
24-25 Booster Board:
President: Beki Cook
Treasurers: Jason & Beth Friedrichs
Concessions: Jill Reiswig and Darcy & Dane McKenzie
Volunteers: Oleksandr Bayuk
Swimsuit & Apparel: Beth Friedrichs & OPEN
Event Coordinators: Chuck Kloos & OPEN
Fundraising: OPEN
Upcoming Booster Meetings
December 8, 7pm Beki’s House
January 2, 7pm at the TRHS pool
Please fill out the Meet Suit Sizing Form:
Deadline: December 2. Boosters cover the cost of the meet suits with your fundraising money.
Pasta Dinners:
5:45pm in the high school cafeteria
*Parent Meeting* Wednesday, Dec. 11
Wednesday, Dec. 18
Wednesday, Jan. 29
Wednesday, Feb. 5
Tuesday, Feb. 25
Each swimmer is asked to raise $100 to pay for meet suits, pasta dinners, and other team expenses. Families can either pay a $100 payout or sell 10 Papa Murphy's pizza cards. More information will be available at the Parent Meeting December 11.
Gear Shop Link:
Panera Night THIS Thursday, December 5 (4-8pm)Parent Meeting & Pasta Dinner Dec. 11 6pm
The parent meeting will be next Wednesday, December 11 at 6pm in the cafeteria. Please CLICK HERE to sign up to bring something to share to the dinner.
Help at Home Meets
We are still looking for help to run the home swim & dive meets. We need someone who is good with computers to run the program that controls the timing mats and the scoreboard. You do get paid a small amount to do the job, but you are required to be there early and you'll need to train in some time in the next couple of weeks.
We also need someone to train as the new announcer. Beki is in her last year doing it, and would like to be able to spectate without announcing during the last meet or two of this year.
Volunteers Needed
We will need volunteers throughout the season to do many things at the meets, preparing for meets, for Spaghetti dinners, etc. We are a smaller team, so we all have to pitch in, and bring in extras when possible. This link will be where we have all of our volunteer signups for the season: your calendars for Saturday, January 10. That is the swim portion of the True Team meet, and we will need EVERY possible volunteer to pull off that event.
Dates to Remember:
Dec 2 - Practice Starts
Dec 3 - Meet Suit Sizing DEADLINE
Dec 5 - Panera Fundraising Dinner 4-8pm
Dec 8 - Booster Meeting at Beki's (We need more boosters!)
Dec 11 - Parent Meeting & Pasta Dinner (6pm in Cafeteria)
Dec 12 - Team & Individual Photos before meet
Dec 12 - First Meet - Conference Relays at Simley
Feb 6 - Senior Night (last home meet)
Mar 16 - Awards Ceremony